Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mentor Time!

Yes, we Mentors are spread out over the World. Seeing as how we only have eight Mentors, and one Mentor-Intern, that might seem to take in a big chunk of the globe. However most of us are not only in the Western Hemisphere, but in North America.

I am in Largo, Florida. Joni is near Dallas, Texas. June resides in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Granny lives in southern Georgia. Janet survives the chill winds of Ontario, Canada while Maruxa seeks the shade in Merida, Mexico. That's in the Yucatan, Folks! Johnty is a Brit in London, U.K.

Now Malkeet lives far away in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. I think that's pretty far.

Soon as I hear from Julie I'll let you know whereabouts she lives, too.

That should give you a good idea of how spread out we are. And our students in f2k are spread out even further!

Update: Julie informs me that she lives near Puyallup (that's in Washington State), close to Mt. Rainier! West Coast USA!

Thanks, Julie!



Welcome to the Time Page!

Since we have students from around the World studying at f2k, and since many of them are asking, "What the heck time is it, at f2k and where I am?" I thought I might try to create a blog that would make it easier to find your own local time, and compare it with the f2k local time.

I have embedded several clocks on the right-hand sidebar, so just scroll down to find the time nearest to yours.

Now, basically, we're running on US Eastern time - New York, eg. - which puts us five hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. GMT is used as the base time for the whole world. If you can figure out how far ahead, or behind, GMT you are, then the math is easy. New York is five hours behind. So f2k is GMT -5. Got it?

Anyway, I will try to post little clocks on this page so you can find your local time and then check f2k's time. This should help you when you want to make one of our scheduled Chat Sessions.

I hope!

If you don't see your local time here, then why don't you hit the reply button and let me know the nearest big city and your country? As soon as I can I will get a new clock posted on this page.

